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Showing posts from September, 2011

'Regular counselling needed in present day stressful life'

'Regular counselling needed in present day stressful life' Times of India This shows deterioration in 'human relationship' and calls for regular counselling in today's stressful life. Psychiatrists advocate the need of having a helpline for free counselling. This year, so far at least six couples have killed their spouses. ... < http://timesofindia.indiatim e - counselling-needed-in-present - day-stressful-life/articlesho w /9804424.cms >

School edu dynamicschanges for good

School edu dynamicschanges for good Times of India "A teacher can best impart knowledge, howsoever advanced it may be, to the student only when there exists a strong human relationship. As long as this relationship is based on mutual trust and respect, it should be encouraged. ... < http://timesofindia.indiatim e - dynamicschanges-for-good / articleshow/9864975.cms >

Diet and Mental Health

Diet and Mental Health Home > Help & Information > Mental Health A-Z > Diet and Mental Health Most people are aware that a healthy diet is important to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other physical health problems. Recent evidence also suggests that good nutrition may be just as important for our mental health and that a number of mental health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors. There is not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions yet about the effects of diet on mental health, but the evidence does suggest that a healthy diet protects our mental health. While a healthy diet can help recovery, it should sit alongside other treatments recommended by your doctor. Healthy eating on a budget A healthy diet can be more expensive. Fish, fruit and vegetables can be particularly pricey. However, by cutting down on sugary drinks and snacks, takeaways and alcohol, you can save money so you can buy healthier foods. Take care to buy o...