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Showing posts from March, 2019

Acudetox for addiction prevention in Chennai India

Six lakhs professionally qualified workforce aspires for National Council of Social Work Profession...

NAPSWI’s Representation To Bharatiya Janta Party for inclusion of  Granting Professional Status To Social Work Profession and a Legislation For Social Workers’ Welfare  in their Election Manifesto   We all are planning to eagerly participate in forthcoming Parliament (Lok Sabha) Election and Elections of some of State assemblies.  We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the youngest human service profession and we are one of the major stake holders of Social service sector . Professional Social Work as a subject is being taught in 125 countries including India and the same is being and practiced. Our goal is to promote social change and development and the empowerment of people.   We work with vulnerable, marginalized, poor, and people in distress and ensures social justice, human rights, and collective responsibility. The Professional Social Work as a discipline in this country is more than eight decades old. It has received recognition as earl...